He is qualified in Vascular Surgery at Madras Medical College and now serves as senior leading Vascular Surgeon visiting at Subam Hospital, Nagercoil. Also a member in Association of Surgeons of India since 2006.
He is well experienced in Minimally invasive endovascular surgery for Aneurysms, Lower limb pain and ulcers. Major surgery for Aortic conditions, Carotid conditions and - Venous surgery and stenting for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and Venous access, Renal access.

Special Trainings
Srichitra institute of health sciences - Trivandrum.
Jains institute of vascular surgery - Bangalore.
Nizams institute of health - Hyderabad
National Presentation
Problems In Revascularization In Post Phlebitic Limbs : VSICON 2008, Chandigarh
Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms mmc Experience : VSICON 2009 , Hyderabad.
Foam Sclerotherapy MMC Experience : VAICON 2009, Hyderabad.
Presentations | |
Role Of Vascuar Surgeon | Indian Medical Association , Nagercoil, January 2011 |
Common Vascular Problems | Indian Medical Association , Kanyakumari March 2011 |
Lower Extremity Ischemia | ASI Meet Tirunelveli, February 2011. |
Management Of Diabetic Foot Diseases | ASI Nagercoil City Branch May 2011. |
Management Of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms | ASI Kanyakumari December 2010. |
Management Of Carotid Body Tumous | ASI , Kanyakumari June 2011. |
Management Of Lower Extremity Vascular Trauma | ASI , Kanyakumari November 2011. |
Member | |
Association of Surgeons of India since 2006 | |
Vascular Society of India since 2007 | |
Kerala Vascular Forum since 2011 |